Fata Morgana -sci-fi
fata morgana High-fantasy book review We Listened to the time- travel science-fiction book on audio, enjoyed the narrator. On a technical level,
fata morgana High-fantasy book review We Listened to the time- travel science-fiction book on audio, enjoyed the narrator. On a technical level,
open sorcery High-fantasy book review The fantasy book Open Sorcery is a book based on the premise of Magic operating like coding in a modern
the stone of farewell High-fantasy book review The Tad Williams book Stone of Farewell improves on the Dragon Bone Chair simply by virtue
For me, Miss Percy’s can best be described as ‘fine’ despite its components being largely strong: the prose is strong, the main character is well
Ever the Night Road feels like a coming of age adventure novel, driven very much by a main protagonist that feels lost about her place
A SONG FOR THE VOID HISTORICAL-HORROR book review Full of slow, brooding, and often macabre, eldritch horror, A Song For the Void (goodreads)