About us

     Keegan and Tristen Kozinski, and their two sisters, were homeschooled.   They were encouraged to try many things, but not television, online gaming, social media, and the other various technology devices. Their mother read aloud to all of us extensively and encouraged us to read, read, read, and then read some more.  They played family boardgames at least one day a week, (playing board games with the family is still one of their favorite things to do) occasionally went to the movies, spent hours at book stores just reading, we hiked, we swam, tried camping but nobody really liked it. 

     Keegan spent hours building knex, but  never got into legos. He has taken online drawing classes with Glenn Vilppu and CGMA academy.

     Tristen is a very hands-off beekeeper. He began playing chess while living in Mexico, and for a number of years played weekly and attended local competitions, but has since switched to other interests.

     As with all good education, writing is essential. We were given our fair share of opportunities to write.

     We decided to become writers after a homeschool writing assignment. That assignment eventually became our first book: THE DARKNESS THAT SLEPT.  We started it at the age of thirteen—it took years to finish. We have since published a few short stories, and two other novels: THE CITY OF LOCKED DOORS, and STORMFLOWER.

     We live in northern Alabama and work a real job to pay the bills. When we’re not working or writing or drawing, we  enjoy boardgames and online gaming, live theater, listening to soundtracks, walking to discuss ideas, and reading.       We are not particularly fond of social media.

    Tristen writes reviews for books he reads/listens to and posts them on Adventuresome Book Reviews. Keegan has done all the cover art for their books.

     If you would like for us to review a book for contact us. If you are reader and want us to review a book for you, contact us.