The Awakening (Underveil, #1) book review

By imh No comments

Underveil: The Awakening is unfortunately a book I struggled to enjoy, primarily due to the prose and the characters. The prose is weak, both heavily reliant on the passive voice, which saps the sentences and events of impact while often making those events feel simplistic, and on exposition both within the narrative and via the […]

Blood and Wonder Book review

By imh No comments

Blood and Wonder is an interesting mix of fantasy and western in a post-apocalyptic like setting. This setting is well utilized and colors the entire narrative, even affecting the narrative in tangible ways. The desert, with its various environments and dangers, is vibrant and immersive, providing a striking backdrop to a narrative that revolves around […]

Jarrod and the Demon Knight book review

By imh No comments

Jarrod and the Demon’s Knight is a solid, well paced gothic paranormal book, featuring enjoyably dark malevolent deities and well designed and used magic system.The book can be quite dark and unsettling at several times, with multiple scenes dedicated to torturing characters to slow and agonizing deaths as sacrifices to the aforementioned gods. It these […]

Ordinary Monsters book review

By imh No comments

Well paced, deliciously atmospheric with the horror scenes and the monsters, with likeable lead characters. Strong prose and worldbuilding.

Zeus is Dead book review

By imh No comments

I listened to this on audio book and the narrator does a fine job, but nothing special.Zeus is Dead started weak for me; the humor didn’t quite land and largely felt like the same joke with different words (zanny comment and reference), and its main format being the author commenting often comes across as intrusive. […]

Song of the Beast Book Review

By imh No comments

I thoroughly enjoyed Song of the Beast. Excellent, often beautiful, prose drives a complex narrative full of emotion. Aidan is a compelling lead with a complex, fully realized personality and narrative, full of internal conflict and growth, and emotion.The plot is fairly unique, relying more on the mystery of the story and on the discovery […]

Where the Shadows Beckon Book Review

By imh No comments

I found Where the Shadows Beckon well written and fun. The pacing is quick, but steady and well balanced with a good mixture (and variety) of action scenes counterbalanced by character interactions and narrative scenes.The characters themselves are likable with strong individuality despite their number, and generally have good chemistry. (Their interactions, and several other […]

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