Tea Set and Match Book Review

     The sequel to a Coup of Tea, Tea Set and Match largely maintains the quality of the first book, but has a couple more issues, one of which is more personal than anything else.
     Primarily, although the plot differs, its mostly the same story; it feels the same and it progresses the same. The cozy tea vibe worked wonderfully in book one, but this book doesn’t change that enough, doesn’t add any new elements or conflicts or perils and so fails to distinguish itself from book one in a meaningful way. The actual plotting and prose remain strong, there just wasn’t enough ‘new’ present. We brushed against Miyara getting pupils, and social themes, but the story isn’t about the pupils, and the social themes aren’t centered on Miyara (I.E she undertakes them, but isn’t immediately threatened by them, rendering her an activist in them more than a protagonist.)
     A lesser complaint is how boring the core romance is; Miyara’s love interest is so perfectly, inoffensively supportive and loving and utterly devoted to her, and largely lacks narrative of his own. This might sound good in theory (oh he’s such a good match/man) but in practice it’s one note and results in a lack of chemistry. ( For clarification, chemistry doesn’t require drama, it requires two elements to interact, and he exerts next to no pressure on her meaning theirs no ‘spark’ to their interactions, just inoffensiveness as he doesn’t even really offer her or the story that much.)
     That last comment also segues in my second main issue with the book ( the personal one.) Tea Set and Match is distinctly political, touching prominently on discrimination and the transgender debate and it is the third book in four I’ve read where these themes are included. I don’t usually criticism a book for political themes if they’re implemented well (they’re implemented decently here, but feel distinctly unnecessary to the actual plot) but I am growing fatigued of these plot lines, especially with their prominence in the news and social media. As a result, their inclusion soured me on this book and continuing the series. For those who are deeply invested in those political points, this book should remain thoroughly enjoyable.

Author Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7998882.Casey_Blair


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