The Bullet Catcher’s Daughter book review


THE BULLET CATCHER’S DAUGHTER High-fantasy book review      I found the Bullet Catcher’s Daughter a fun, well executed steampunk novel.      Elizabeth provides likable, intelligent lead full of agency who is easy to emotionally invest in. While remaining tough, she retains enough emotional vulnerability for the plot to exert emotional pressure on her, […]

The Bullet Catcher’s Daughter –


THE BULLET CATCHER’S DAUGHTER      I found the Bullet Catcher’s Daughter a fun, well executed steampunk novel. I was surprised to see that it only has a 3.74 rating on GOODREADS. Elizabeth provides a likable, intelligent lead full of agency who is easy to emotionally invest in. While remaining tough, she retains enough emotional vulnerability […]

House Witch 2 Fantasy book review

book cover for the house witch written by Delemhach

the house witch High-fantasy book review       Much the same as the first book, but less of the comedy worked for me on this iteration. The queen’s pregnancy subplot remains the strongest part and most investable part of the narrative, but most of the previous book’s flaws remain present.     The HOUSE WITCH […]


book cover for fantasy novel shorefall by robert bennet jackson

SHOREFALL      This series is rapidly becoming one of my favorites. You can read my review of FOUNDRYSIDE, the first in the series.      The character work(their likability, complexity of thought and variety of personalities as well as chemistry) and prose is excellent. The world building/magic is excellent and wonderfully tangible/ intractable. The […]

The Bone Ships high-fantasy book review

cover for The bone ships fantasy book

the bone ships High-fantasy book review      I liked the high-fantasy book Bone Ships. The world building is strong with both original ideas, excellent cultural immersion/creativity, and a clear, enjoyable aesthetic which as best as I can describe feels like a mixture of Norse and Polynesian with some original elements sprinkled in.     The […]