Book cover for Spirits of Vengeance author Rob J Hayes

spirits of vengeance

High-fantasy book review

     Well executed but doesn’t really innovate on the preceding high-fantasy books in the series. Spirits of Vengeance focuses more on the spirit side of the world building, and does so with fair success, but it just doesn’t end up feeling like a different experience then the preceding books.

     The characters and actions sequences are solid (though Haruto does end up feeling rather impotent in several of the action scenes) but nothing inherently special. On the action scene account, that last point is particularly problematic since this book’s theme is essentially hunting down and fighting a series of boss monsters (its a good theme) but the boss fights end up being fairly straight forward, with a little too much focus on ‘just hit it until one of us dies’ or ‘stat checking’ as opposed to be distinctive with individual rules and progressions.
     Kira is probably the strongest element of the narrative, with a strong internal conflict and progression, likability and good interactions with the other characters, and some solid power moments. All of the main characters have good chemistry and interactions with one another, and there’s some good to decent payoffs throughout the narrative, but again it all ends up feeling just a little bit standard. It is still a well executed standard though.

This high-fantasy book can be bought at

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