Review #4 Kakorrhaphiphobia

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

#26 The Clock

By Tristen Kozinski 2 comments

Today we have a piece from Cat Caroll on The moon is rising, her divine light shining down on the Baroque Moszna castle before me. Its ninety-nine spires attempting to rip the moon apart. I smirk. Home is where the heart is. It’s been a long time coming. But I’m ready. Paragraph 1 This […]

#25 City of Dreams

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

Hello everybody, today we have a science-fiction piece from Joe Nelson on Profanity is included in the extended piece, so proceed with caution. Paragraph 1&2 (combined because paragraph one is all of one sentence.) Nexus City stood on the edge of the world. For those with the units, it was a gateway to the […]

Review #3 Massachusetts

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

blog #24 Mercy

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

Today we have a piece titled ‘Mercy’ by Raygunner on Paragraph 1 ‘Not a lapdog but does a lot of it,’ is how the bulletin board post read. My family had been looking for a dog for some time and my mother found this post on an old-style pin-up bulletin board where she worked. […]

#23 Aunt Rosie’s Flower Stand

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

Hello everybody, today we have a fantasy piece titled ‘Aunt Rosie’s special flower’ from Joto-Kai on Pargraph 1&2 (combined because first paragraph was a single sentence.) The lines on the deserted country road had long since washed away. Leery of committing and getting stuck in the mud shoulder and uncertain if I should even […]

Review #2 Sunwielder

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

#22 Phantasy Perspective

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

Today we have a piece titled Phantasy Perspective by Wizard on Paragraph 1 Outside, the thunder’s defining roar can be heard forcing the sea to submit to its overbearing might, the rain too can be seen flailing in panic, as if each individual drop were cowering from thunder’s tyranny, and lightning’s world blinding wrath. […]

#21 Dark Realm

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

Greetings, today we have a piece from Amoternus on Deviant art titled Dark Realm. Paragraph 1 Luminos runs through the hospital, ignoring the men and women going about their business. He had no time for them today. He had to escape the two men chasing him. He slips around the carts full of medicine and […]

Miscellaneous #1 SHENANIGANS

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

Just a video with my brother, myself and a few other noble personages messing around with the sound equipment for our reviews.

#20 A sample part of a book

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

Hello everybody! Today we have a nameless fantasy piece by Free Writer on The road was beaten, looking as if many had walked upon it but none had bothered to keep it in pristine condition. There were potholes in the road, and each step could create more. Your boots clink against the road, causing […]


By Tristen Kozinski No comments

My brother and I have started a review channel strictly for independently published books. Here is our first review, give our shenanigans a try.

#19 Private Investigator

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

Hello everybody, today we have a piece titled ‘Private Investigator’ by AJW on At first it seemed like a typical rainy day. It was not until the end of the day that things were different. She walked into my office asking for help. I smelled her perfume through the door the moment she walked […]

#18 Detective Joe on the Case

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

Salutation you various philosophical philistines. Today we have a piece titled ‘Detective Joe on the Case’ by 50k Or Bust on (probably not their real name.) Detective Joe stepped out of his squad car. He rested his arm across the top of the door frame and looked down the dusty ruts that lead away […]

World’s Fate

By Tristen Kozinski No comments

Hello everybody, today we have a science-fiction piece from Octavious on As men of science, we always adhered to facts, considered details in the decisions we make and studied to solve problems here on the UMD77. Distance, gravitational pull, the atmospheric pressure-every single factor was calculated down to the decimal point. For the past […]